I've Been Meaning To Mention This...
I've been putting pictures and now movies online at http://gallery.mac.com/stucco_x. The most recent is a movie called "Sal, The Retarded Dog" and this might explain why:
1.) The dog water bowl is always empty
2.) The kitchen floor is always wet
3.) People don't come visit all that often...
As the old page of family photos is still online, I'll add a link to the new page in my link list.
Labels: faggediboudit
I am unable to play this movie. I just installed the new quicktime/iTunes software (7.4) and it won't play.
By the way, i HATE apple. It forces you to install fucking iTunes when you only want QT. I don't want iTunes. Grumble.
Hey, Mum's all hot for some hats to make... Her needles are clacking in mid-air...
All she needs is a good yarn and some chenille skeins... The color of your choices...
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