Monday, March 09, 2009

Fuck Those High Tech Japanese Toilets- Give Me Power!

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Still, this has nothing on the crappers at my office- they'll take your damned arm off.


Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

When was the last time you shit 78 plastic letters and numbers?! Who thinks this stuff up, anyway?!

4:26 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Disturbingly mesmerizing...

8:23 AM  
Blogger meno said...

Why would you put your arm in the toilet? Wait, i'd rather not know.

I'll be impressed when it can swallow a large stuffed animal.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Scott from Oregon said...

What they don't show you is what happens to your PIPES underneath your house, the ones that now have plastic letters stuck to six year old shits on the sidewalls...

I can spell it out for y'all...

E X P E N S I V E R E P A I R ...

4:22 PM  
Blogger Lexcen said...

Damn I'm impressed. Still, I doubt it would swallow one of my legendary floaters instead of those golf balls or sausages.

3:13 AM  
Blogger Cheesy said...

Holy crapper I am glad they didn't have those when my kids were young... We may have lost small pets... Or younger siblings!

7:40 AM  
Blogger The Young Ones said...

Chris and I enjoyed this, thanks. I do agreee about the pipes though. And how about the laughs the guys at the sewer treatment facility are getting seeing all that shit come through.

9:01 PM  

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