Fahten Strippah
Labels: I'm telling mom
I don't answer phones, except where paid to. I've never been asked to leave any zoo or wildlife refuge. None of my shoes fit very well. I've never effectively claimed to be royalty in order to avoid extradition.
You sick, sick man.
Thank you, you've made my day. :-D
dammit, i sent you that link. link stealer.
Where Fargo becomes fargone...
BWAHAHAHAHA! You have no idea how funny that is to a native New Englander...
Holy Shit that was funny. I wiped a few tears away.
And yes, as Mrs Chili states, as I post here from the land of wicked pissah, from within site of the Charles rivah (love that dirty watah) and Fenway Pahk (Go Sawx!) that's good stuff.
bizarre. Funny, but bizarre.
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